Very good price and fast shipping, but I do not feel better, I think I should use something stronger
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The creation of PiLeJe was first and foremost a human undertaking, behind which there was a small group of doctors, pharmacists, biologists and researchers who wanted to share another vision of treatments that complemented the usual therapies.
PiLeJe, the micronutrition laboratory, was first founded in 1990. In 2003 as a result of the same research it was followed by Escofine offering a range of functional diet and dietetic products.
PiLeJe’s ambition is to provide :
• scientifically proven solutions for doctors and healthcare professionals and their patients,
• continuous medical training to make the approach more widely known,
• and information for the public in order to raise awareness and draw attention to the fact that there are individual solutions to taking responsibility for our own health.
In this respect Fondation PiLeJe, a non-profit-making organization, actively participates in and has organized conferences and debates in the town halls of France since 2005.
The same research focus : HEALTH. This is completely in line with the WHO definition : “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
For the last 20 years we have been motivated by innovation – a constant desire to discover, develop and offer effective solutions for sustainable health. And we are aware of the enthusiasm and conviction of numerous healthcare professionals that place their trust in us and help us to move forward, together…
Results may vary from person to person. Customer reviews are independent and do not represent the views of Carethy.
Very good price and fast shipping, but I do not feel better, I think I should use something stronger
Here is the lowest price in the market, it works wonders for me.
Couple of weeks and the improvement is from heaven to earth, as I didn't discover this product before.
I have digestion problems and / or intolerance and for a year I married this product, very good.
Millions of microbiotic strains that improve my flora, effect from the first day.
With no side effects other than improving my gatrointestinal health, it's a wonder.
Hervorragende Kombination von Inhaltsstoffen, die den Kreislauf fördern.
Refuerza la flora intestinal, se los recomiendo, claro consulte con su medico primero.
Favorece la absorcion de los nutrientes y a lavez mejora el transito intestinal.
Devo rompere la capsula in molte parti per essere in grado di prenderle, nello stesso modo in cui funziona.
Ho notevolmente migliorato i miei segni e sintomi dei miei problemi di salute intestinale, mi ha favorito meravigliosamente
C'est l'une des meilleures petites capsules qui fonctionnent vraiment.
Tomei-o como dizem as indicações, com o estômago vazio... Adorei-o, porque já me sinto muito bem.
No tolero la lactosa, pero hay productos en el mercado que tienen lactosa escondida y eso me afecta mucho, por eso tomo estas capsulas, me va muy bien.
Es verbessert sich wie kein anderes Produkt und sehr schnell die Flora, ich liebte es.
Lleco muy rapido y en perfecto estado nada roto todo bien, gracias
Li consiglio vivamente, ottima protezione contro le infezioni dello stomaco.
Sie müssen mit der Behandlung übereinstimmen, wenn sie sich daran halten, wird es sehr gut funktionieren.
Ho sempre sofferto molto con la mucosa gastrointestinale, ma questo trattamento è il migliore che abbia mai provato.
Combate los transtornos digestivos, es de la mejor calidad y por un buen precio.
Evita la cattiva digestione e fa guerra ai microrganismi patogeni presenti nell'intestino.
Fabelhafte Empfehlung meines Arztes für die Verdauung und zur Vermeidung der Gase.
Restaura a flora intestinal, sem efeitos severos, sinto-me maravilhoso.
Excellent effet anti-inflammatoire sur la santé gatro-intestinale, j'adore son effet, c'est une merveille.
Comme il n'est pas tolérant au gluten et au lactose, il a fonctionné à merveille pour moi, il est de la meilleure qualité, je vous le recommande.
Verdauungsfeuerzeug seit der Einnahme dieser Kapseln.
Sehr gutes Produkt zur Wiederherstellung der Flora, es hat mir sehr gut gedient.
Eu melhorei o trânsito intestinal muito bem com estas cápsulas, elas são realmente boas.
Ich fühle mich sehr gut mit der Einnahme dieses Produktes, es funktioniert bei mir.
Melhora a assimilação digestiva, amo-a, chego muito rápido que bom.
Favorece la absorcion de nutrientes al fortalecer la flora intestinal y mejora los sintomas de intolerancia.
Tom una capsula al desayuno otra al almuerzo, es una maravilla.
Melhora consideravelmente a qualidade da flora intestinal, o melhor probiótico.
Chego muito bem, mas não pude notar o efeito, mas vou terminar o tratamento.
Combato la hiperpermeabilidad intestinal con estas fabulosas capsulas, se las recomiendo, mejorara mucho su digestion.
Cela facilite beaucoup ma digestion est très bonne et de la meilleure qualité.
Le meilleur qui existe pour la flore intestinale, c'est le maximum !
Mejora muy rapido y muy bien el transito intestinal, capsulas de buen tamaño faciles de tragar.
Indiqué pour l'inflammation de la muqueuse intestinale, excellente recommandation de mon médecin.